Saturday, 23 October 2010

My family is falling apart...

Everything was fine at home with my parents before going to university. Now, after three years away, I move back, and it seems that the very things that are holding them together are threads that are being stretched beyond their limit.

My dad goes to the pub everyday of the week when he's not pissed.

My mum either goes with my dad or sits at home depressed because he's gone to the pub or goes with him.

And brother is spoilt soooo rotten that he asks money from my parents everyday and treats them like shit.

Our parents don't ask us to pay board (despite me being 21 and my brother being 20) but I want to pay board so much to show them that I appreciate them not asking us for it.

But I'm having a huge struggle with my parents' drinking problems that I wish I had somewhere to go just to fuck off and get away from it all.

My dad is a gentle giant and his drinking doesn't bother me all that much. But the older he gets, the more he's going to end up turning into one of those old men who you see in the pub every day of the week, alone. And I really feel sorry for those blokes.

And my mum's drinking makes me want to move out of the house. She is an outrageous character anyway, who I can deal with most of the time. But when she drinks, this character is intensified and I can't deal with it. She's ten times louder, ten times ruder and everyone else seems to think that's O.K. There's a reputation that she thinks she has to keep up and it annoys the fuck out of me.

She won't even quit drinking for two weeks after being told by the doctor that she needs to!

It's so frustrating.

I need to get the hell out of this house.


Not a happy bunny at all.

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