Saturday 9 April 2011

What a well-earned break!

Had two weeks in a row ram-packed with overtime and now I'm finally back to normal hours!


The weather is beautiful! I'm planning on lieing in the garden all day tomorrow, reading 'The End of Mr Y' and getting a sunburnt face.



Check out the new Gok Wan's from work and red lippy. I don't know about the lippy all that much but I love the good ol' Gok's. He's getting one thing right at least.

Thursday 7 April 2011

People in Manchester are rude...

I have to carry on reminding myself that I live/work in a city centre now... And a big one at that. Of course, this isn't London. I don't know how I'd be able to cope if I lived in London.

When I get the bus in the morning, people who have weekly bus tickets push in front of those who don't and the bus driver doesn't even get a chance to check their tickets. I always wait in line.

One woman who gets the bus at my bus stop with me every morning really infuriates me. Regardless of the fact that she may not have been waiting the longest for the bus, she'll still stand with her toes caressing the curb, in prime position to be the first one on it when it arrives. It makes my skin crawl.

When I get my bus on the way home, everyone barges on, men and women with prams using their immobile toddlers as excuses to get on first. You'd think that the fact that they had prams would merit them seats at the front of the bus.

But nooooooooo!

Soooo, many times I've had to climb over prams getting off the bus because some self-righteous prick is sat in the buggy area or priority seats and hasn't batted an eyelid.

I've come to the distinct conclusion that I need to toughen up a bit if I'm going to survive in a city centre. Although, I still like being nice and actually asking people if I can sit next to them on the bus when there's no other seats.


Friday 1 April 2011

The Social Network

Who'd have thought that a movie about a website would turn out to be so bloody good?!

I tossed and turned in bed the night after I watched, incapable of getting to sleep, and the thing that carried on popping in my head was this film.

This is such a cult university movie that it reminds me of the times in Crewe sat around doing nothing at three o'clock in the morning except from drinking and talking - and, obviously, not coming up with the world's next bit internet sensation.

Some of the scenes were fantastic. The nightclub scene where Mark Zuckerman discusses business with Napster founder, Sean Parker is epic - maybe only because we could feel the bass through Chris's million-pound worth speaker system to go with the music on the screen. Eduardo Saverin's outburst at Zuckerman's betrayal as he grabs a laptop and smashes it in half on the ground is amazing. And the music, written by Nine Inch Nail's Trent Reznor, is also a little bit of a winner as well.

I was a little bit surprised that they could find so much in a story about one of the fastest growing website's in the 20th century. Then again, I suppose, no story is too small. Something that we do all the time without realising it... Something that, if our computers would choose it to save us time, would be all our homepages.

One of the most pleasant and rewarding surprises of this year.


Oh, and contrary to popular belief, Jesse Eisenberg is actually a bit of a hottie.

They scrub up nice, don't they?


Sunday 27 March 2011

Major update...

I don't wanna start doing that thing where I start telling my life story again every time I don't write on my blog for long periods of time. But there are a couple of things that have changed in the last month or so...

I am now a resident of Manchester.

I have a routine, FINALLY.

I passed my probation at work.


But worry that I'm getting a little bit of an attitude that I always bitch about with other people and that I always never wanted to have. So I need to pull my socks up a bit.

I've started doing some serious planning on a comedy TV series for the BBC/Channel 4.

And one of my older brothers is getting married.


Started crying when I found out.


Photos of my beautiful house and sexy Gok Wan specs from work to follow.

So, this is what my life has boiled down to...

... Waiting for the boys to finish playing on the likes of 'Time Crisis 4' and 'Little Big Planet 2' so that we can order a Chinese.



Saturday 26 March 2011


I've always been a little indifferent about Adele. Don't get me wrong, I've always known that she was a good singer. But I've never really been interested until hearing about her 'amazing' performance at the Brit Awards this year.

So to kick off the celebration of finally getting the internet at the house, I watched lots of shit on Youtube until I found this.

And boy, am I glad I did.

The tears are real.

And the words are real.


Thursday 24 February 2011

Holy crap!

I'm moving in on Pancake Day!!

How cool is that!?

After we've unpacked and everything we can chill out in front of the TV with pancakes! Lots and lots of pancakes!!



I've missed pancake day for the last five years in a row! I refuse to miss it this year!!