Sunday, 28 November 2010

A Message to 'The X Factor'...


Regrettably, my mother is a fan and if she's not watching it pissed as a fart on Saturday night, she's hogging the telly with it on Sunday. ITV - Why the hell do you need to repeat stuff all over again? If people didn't watch it first time round, it means they don't wanna! If you're struggling to find new shows to fill in these many hours, then bang your friggin' heads together and START COMING UP WITH SHOWS THAT YOUR VIEWERS ACTUALLY WANNA WATCH!

I am sick of having to scrutinise what other people call entertainment. The fashion war between Dannii and Cheryl?! Do on. Get over yourselves. Instead of spending all that money on dresses and hair, spend it on something that really matters. Save a bit of your self-respect. You're there to judge. And if you ask my, Cheryl Cole's not doing it properly. You're paid to give your honest critique on how the 'contestants' are singing, not sit there and look pretty. Grow a backbone and live up to the plate.

As for the contestants, it's commercial madness. The amount of 'bad press' that's been speculating around these people is ridiculous! Perhaps you should tell your friends and family to keep their traps shut and be a little more gracious about what's being said about you.

Find something better to put on my TV set on a Saturday night.

It's the judge's show and no one elses.

Sit the FUCK down, Cheryl.

Friday, 26 November 2010

What to do!

I go months and months without a job and then when I do get a job, I get another phonecall for another interview!

Specsavers got back in touch with me and asked if it would be OK for me to start on Tuesday 7th December instead of the Tuesday coming as the other new-starters can't start until then.

THEN I got a phonecall from a lady from this Bridalwear place in the Arndale too and asked me for an interview Tuesday coming...

I need to start working ASAP and am gutted that Specsavers have put me back another week. But don't know whether to go for this interview with the Bridalwear store to weigh up my chances.


What's a girl to do?

Harry Potteeeeeeeer!

I've been pretty impressed with myself actually. I can't remember when I started re-reading 'The Deathly Hallows', but I was up in bed last night till the early hours finishing it. And at the end of it, it was like the ending of an era all over again.

It suddenly occured to me that when I first started reading the books, I didn't read them in order. It wasn't as bad as you think. I started with 'Chamber of Secrets' and read through to 'Goblet of Fire'. I think the books were free with a newspaper and, being the bookworm that I was, my parents ordered for me to get my noses into.

No way did I expect greatness. I remember looking at them and thinking, They're only a another series of books that are going to do O.K, etc. etc. etc.

How wrong was I and, probably, a lot of other people on the planet.

I haven't read the books for a long time. The last time I did was for the release of 'Deathly Hallows' so, being the nerd that I am, needed to refresh my mind of all the goings on in the previous books. And, having been slightly disappointed about 'Half-Blood Prince', I wanted something bigger and better.

The main thing that reading this last book has done to me, has reminded me how much I've changed. I can't place the year when I first started reading them but now I've finished at the age of 22, reading the minds and goings-on of 17 year olds.

Their life, their world, is so much better than ours. In the heat of the moment, people scream all over the place, "Fuck this, I'm going to Hogwarts." Oh, if only this was true.

Cinemas across the country are prebooked weeks in advance for 'Deathly Hallows: Part 1' and, sadly, I'm not one of them. Everytime I watch the trailer, I go a little bit crazy inside and wish that I was seeing it right now.

Absolutely gutted, I haven't prebooked tickets. Me and my friends normally go together but everyone's all over the world AKA the UK, at the minute and it's very hard to keep in touch.

I think I'd probably go and see it alone if I had to.


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I'm getting the teeniest bit obssessed with...


My parents bought me a new Wii for my birthday and I've been one of the biggest nerds since. There's a way of transferring your saved games from one console to another.

But for the meantime, I'm busting my way through this bad boy. I'm already through the prequel levels and have started kicking some arse as Princess Leia.

'The Sims 3' has been distinctly forgotten on my laptop.


After five months of searching, five months of penniless hours, five months of feeling like the biggest waste of space in the ENTIRE WORLD...


Absolutely ecstatic!

Can't wait to move down there!


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Post-birthday blues...

Yes, it's happened. The thing that I have been looking forward to for about two months... My 22nd Birthday has been and gone in the blink of an eye. And I was left disappointed.

WARNING - This post is whiney and depressing. You may want to opt out of it now to save yourself from my teenage-like angsts.

I'm going to stop planning things for my birthday because for, perhaps, the third year running now, I have been left sorely disappointed.

It was pretty doomed from the start. The whole dress fiasco was stressing me out. I'm never really selfish but wanted to stand out on my birthday in the best possible dress I could have ever wanted. But it didn't happen. I was left with a dress that did not hide my huge belly. It was nice, but not the one I wanted.

I was ridiculously unorganised and didn't really let people know what was going on etc. etc. Entirely out of character and suffered from it in the long-run.

Normally, I always prat around in a pair of PJs until just before we're leaving so I don't ruin my dress, but carried on getting pestered by everyone to get changed into the dress that was too lowcut for my HUUUUUGE boobs. I looked like a bloody hooker.

I suppose it came together in the end. The very end.

But what has been the story of my life is that I am a heavyweight drinker. It takes me a SHIT LOAD to get drunk. Normally I can improvise and get around this by drinking wine or vodka or cider. But wine is not a 'going out' drink, vodka makes me ill the day after I've been drinking it and cider makes me bloated, which, let's face it, I already had my tits and arse on show - I didn't want my belly any bigger than what it normally is.

And what's really fucked me off is that I had absolutely NO MONEY to buy drinks once we were out. I took a lot of money out but it was my birthday money. I didn't want to piss it up the wall on drinks.

For once in my life, I've found myself sorely disappointed that my birthday is in November, where, at the moment, is the WORST TIME OF THE YEAR to have a birthday because everyone's so fuckin' skint.

Not to mention that fact that people pulled out of coming last week... a week where I was not looking forward to my birthday soooooo badly that I was close to cancelling on everyone and boxing myself up in my room and refusing to leave it on Saturday.

This will shock people who actually came out for my birthday (though I doubt any of them read my blog) because I did, kinda, have a good time. But I don't go out on nights out anymore which kills me because I love to dance and drink and see my friends.

I miss them. And the weekend was just not fun enough for me.

I couldn't even go and see Harry Potter on Sunday because I had to get back to Huddersfield for a JobSeekers consultation on Monday.


I genuinely think I may have a very very mild case of depression. It doesn't help that I'm unemployed, fat, single and don't have a social life at the moment.

The best thing of the night is this photo I suppose. I guess from the smile on my face it shows that I was having the time of my life. But in hindsight, I wish I'd have been more drunk and a little happier with myself. This will bring a lot of people down; I've even got a bit upset writing it.

I need to sort myself out.

No, wait. I need to get a job.

I didn't realise it would affect me this much. It's been five months.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Two days!


Went into Manc on Tuesday to have a nosey around for pretty stuff for the weekend. Spent £100...


... of which, I don't have, £50 on a dress that didn't fit. I was determined to find a way of making it fit, but I just simply cannot wear a zip-up dress until I've lost a little bit of weight. There was no way that that zip was actually going to go all the way up my back.

But it wasn't a completely wasted trip. I picked up a new going-out bag, that I was in dire need of i.e. I was sick of wearing the Primark one that nearly every girl on the planet has. I got a pair of magic knickers and handed out my CV to Specsavers which I had the interview for today.

Today, I decided that I wasn't destined to wear a red dress for my 22nd after all and refused point blank to buy a black one. So I settled for this one, a damn sight cheaper than a lot of the others instore. It doesn't look much in the picture but on, it looks reeeeally nice.


So, YES, I am starting to get ridiculously excited about Saturday night. Admittedly a lot of people have pulled out at the last minute, but that's life.

Whether I make it to the casino or not at the end of the night, I know that it's gonna be a corker.

Also, may end up going to see HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS on Sunday afternoon as well as the puuuuuuur-fect hangover cure... Let's just hope I don't fall asleep in it, I may cry with disappointment with myself.


Job Interview: Specsavers

Job interviews are becoming a weekly occurence for me. It's only unfortunate that I go on so many, think that they actually went well and then find out that I wasn't the one for the job anyway.

The other day I actually walked past Jane Norman in the Arndale and saw them training up the woman who should have been me. They could have had to decency to actually do what they said they were gonna do and ring me/write to me and tell me that I hadn't got the job.


Never fear though, had a job interview today at Specsavers in the Arndale and was pleasantly surprised. The store hosts 75 employees all of which are competing for Employee of The Month along with the free holiday courtesy of the company! Needless to say, with comparison to Blockbusters, Specsavers DEFINITELY looks after its employees.

The store was pretty huge. Across three floors, I think the Assistant Manager told me... And they actually make the specs themselves! How cool is that!?

I was the least nervous I have ever been on a job interview today and that was partly due to the Assistant Manager stressing that this wasn't a formal interrogation. Otherwise, it was due to the fact that I've been on soooooo many interviews this summer that I rarely get nervous for them anymore.

If I've learnt anything through this disastrous stage of unemployment is that when you do get that elusive interview, just chill out, maaaaaan! I always stumble a little on my words but that's only because I wanna say the right thing and am trying to refrain from swearing too much in front of a potential future employer.


Fingers crossed, today went well. When we were in one of the upstairs labs with a wide-eyed crazy kinda technician guy, he asked, "How did the interview go?" and I said, "I don't know, how did it go?" (to Kevin, the assistant manager) and then Kevin said, "I don't know, you tell me."

Then again, all these interviews that I've been on in the last few months that have gone well, obviously haven't because I'm still unemployed. Maybe I should have a little more faith in myself, I don't know.

I just can't believe that it's November and I'm still jobless.

Hopefully, this is it.


Monday, 15 November 2010

Pre-birthday blues are setting in already...


Not a happy bunny, to be honest.

Then again, some retail therapy/jobhunting tomorrow may indeed cheer me up.

Hmmph. It's only going to get worse.



Saturday, 13 November 2010

Huddersfield is CRAP! Get me out of heeeeere!

I'm going a little bit psycho.

I haven't heard back from Jane Norman about the job, my jobhunting has noticably slackened and it's my birthday in a week. I've got hardly any money for a new dress and accessories etc., unemployment is not making me feel any better and, with regards to my own personal future, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I feel as though I am running out of time.

I nipped into town today to pick up a dress that I want from River Island and, SHOCK HORROR, they don't have the slightest sniff of it in the Huddersfield branch. And the dresses that they do have only go up to size 10 and 12s! What kind of a world is this?!

I regret seeing Manchester over the last three years because it's pushed Huddersfield and what it has to offer waaaaaay down the pecking order. But I'm glad at the same time because I looooove Manchester. Comparisons between the two are becoming a regular occurence to me and three guesses over which one wins.

There are a couple of things that I suppose I am going to miss about Huddersfield when I finally get out of this dump.

The fact that the train station looks like the Clock Tower from 'Back To The Future' affirms my belief that that film is one of the best films of all time.

This majestic lion looks over me everytime I walk under him.

And my family (and some remaining friends) are here.


It takes me half an hour on the bus to get into town. When I do get into town, the shops are always disappointed and full of chavvy/teenaged staff members. It's one of the WORST towns for GOSSIPING in the UK, I am sure! And the fact that it's in Yorkshire, the weather is always misleading, it's always freezing cold and I'm always walking facing the wind!! I sweeeeear, whatever I do to change it, God is looking down on me and thinking, 'Mmm, there's no harm is making this girl walk facing the wind FOR THE GAZILLIONTH TIME!!!'


Friday, 12 November 2010

It's that time of year again...

Regardless of the fact of whether you're a Harry Potter geek or despise the JK Rowling franchise, it's come around again for its punultimate time.

I am the former. I have read all the Harry Potter books, believe that my trivia surpasses most (despite the details on the last book being a little hazy) and am an avid admirer of the films. I'm re-reading 'Deathly Hallows' as we speak and am working my way through the films (I watched 'Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets' the other morning and cried LIKE A BABY at the end)...

Everytime I watch the trailer for Part 1, I actually get all excited in my gut and emit an annoying little squeal of excitement that only dogs can hear. I am revelling in all of the TV coverage that is broadcasting morning, noon and night. I even asked my Dad to pick up a copy of last week's Sunday Times, that was positively POTTERIFIC. There was a Harry Potter magazine devoted entirely to the final film and free poster... Though, alas, I recieved Daniel Radcliffe all sweaty and moody, instead of Mr Rupert Grint, all moody and sweaty.


But regardless, I still haven't read through that magazine completely and share daily texts with a friend who is equally as obsessed with HP as I am.

Words of the World Premiere that happened last night - everyone looked absolutely fantastic. Helena Bonham-Carter never ceases to amaze me! Her hair was aaaaawesome! Geraldine Sommerville AKA Luna Lovegood is brunette! And the X Factor contestants hogged faaaaar too much of the limelight! Emphasis should have been on the stars!

Nevertheless, I'm a little bit gutted that Emma Watson wore a similar dress to what I have and regrettably, carried it off a lot better than me (seeing as she has obviously been recently tanned and regularly keeps that pot-belly off).


It's out the day before my birthday and I would LOOOOOOVE for a birthday treat for me and my friends to go and see it! But I am faaaar too disorganised for this and know that I will have to wait a couple of weeks to go with my fellow Harry Potter fan and our quacky friends.

Ah well. Guess I'll just have to curl up with 'Prisoner of Azkaban' tonight instead.

P.S. How WEIRD do James and Oliver Phelps look without ginger hair!?!?

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

I'm not dieing!

Went for my second check-up at the Doc's today. A few words about my first:-

I walked down late. I forgot my piss sample, so had to take it back in afterwards. I nearly fainted when she was taking my blood pressure on account of my FAT ARMS. And I weighed myself for the first time in about ten years - IN FRONT OF HER, so I couldn't babble about just not looking 10 stone...


Needless to say, it was the most memerable doctor's appointment of my short and insignificant life so far. However, for the last month or so, I've been, quite frankly, shitting myself over the results of the poison that is my own urine. Of course, it's been the subject of many of my friend's jokes i.e. "You know she's going to get out a huge piece of paper, Laurie, and be like, 'Mmmm yes, you've got cyphalis, cancer, hepatytis...'" However you spell them.



My pee is crystal clear! She took my blood pressure again (and I managed to keep calm this time round) and it's gone down from last time! I should have really asked if it was still considered high because, let's face it, high blood-pressure at 21 is not a good thing.


But I'm clear!
She knows I'm overweight but she won't say, she's quite a nice missy. All smiley etc. etc. So I'm pretty glad that I had her this time round instead of some snot-faced cow who would be like, "Yes, for your size and height, your BMI means that you're morbidly obese and you're going to have to go on extreme dieting until you're a size zero."

But no! My doctor's lovely.

This afternoon wasn't half as stressful as I thought it was going to be.

Job's a good'un.

Youtube Gold

This has decidedly made my day.

Still laughing about it now.

What a character.


Monday, 8 November 2010

Oh Downton! Where did you go in my life?

Alas, the world has come to an end... 'Downton Abbey', my weekly hour of complete and utter writing heaven on ITV has ended... After seven glorious weeks, seven glorious episodes... I am left lonely.


But it was a very good run.

The cleverest thing that it did before it was even aired was craft one of the best TV Drama adverts I have ever witnessed in my life. The best and most intriguing clips of the series were chipped and chopped and put together with Scala's 'Every Breath You Take', one of the most beautiful choir sets I've heard. Britain was ready for this slice of early 19th Century magnificence.

Julian Fellowes penned this masterpiece and I'm only sorely disappointed that I didn't come up with it first. Yet, he knows what he's talking about. He also wrote the very much noted 'Gosford Park' and the recent triumph, 'The Young Victoria'. But his escapades with Downton Abbey don't finish there... The second series is due to be released next year to an eagerly awaiting audience with new and more pressing matters to hand: the horrors of World War 1, the romances waiting to happen and the recurring point of Lord Grantham  in desperate need of a male heir to inherit and keep the state of Downton Abbey within the family.

Next year could not come any sooner.

If you didn't watch it, get to HMV and buy it!

You won't regret it.


Job Interview: Jane Norman MANCHESTER

O.K. So I have another job interview lined up! Got a phonecall from a lovely lady at Jane Norman in Manchester Arndale Centre last week for an interview tomorrow. Bit excited. Got the call the day after I gave them my CV. Fingers crossed, this is gonna be a good 'un.

And what I've enjoyed the most about researching the clothes line is that the lady asked me to produce a moodboard of all of the main fashion trends at the moment and how they relate to the clothes that are designed and sold in Jane Norman.

Took me down Memory Lane to all those days when I was sat like the nerd that I was in the middle of Miss Smith/Mrs Firth's Textiles classes doing elaborate moodboards that in NO WAY reflected the end shitty product.


But it's been cool and relaxing times putting this moodboard together. I like to think that I am a little stylish... Even though all the times I buy ELLE magazine I'm either crying over the price of a particular item of clothing that I believe I cannot and should not have to live without OR weeping over the size of the mini models on the pages.


My moodboard is O.K. Then again everything is when it comes to me - too much of a perfectionist, I can never let anything go and can always find something that I could do better... But I'm happy with it.

I'm going to knock their socks off regardless. I'm a wonderful employee to have in any store. The Disney Store proved that. I just couldn't afford to keep it on...

Let's hope that in a couple of days time, I will fiiiiiiiinally have that excuse to move to Manchester after all.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Time to invest in a pair of magic knickers, me thinks...

None of my friends will say it, but it's common knowledge that I've put on QUITE A FEW pounds since moving home from uni seeing as my dad's got the biggest sweet tooth imaginable and regularly stocks the cupboards with biscuits and the like.

So after the dreaded coffee incident this morning in that store in Manchester, I wandered around for a while and had a miraculous idea of popping into a couple of stores, well, who I am kidding myself,



... and having a nosey to see what dresses they have for my biiiiirthday.

Now, I've been eying up this beauty ever since I discovered it...

And the more I look at it the more I want a red dress for the big 22.

However, on trying this on, it was a little tight...

I knew I shouldn't have started trying dresses on (only to get disheartened when all my lumps and bumps were on show) without wearing a pair of those Magic Knickers that you always see on 'How To Look Good Naked'...

Furthermore, this length of dress does not suit me at all. 'Cos I'm a short arse, I need to have as much leg out as possible otherwise I end up looking shorter than what I actually am...

Either that or some of my repressed slutty tendencies may very well be coming through...

I do want a red dress after all.


I never knew I was this suggestive.


This is TRAINING?!?

Yesterday, met up with Dean and Mike on account of wanting to hand a couple of CVs out round Manchester. Did the usual, took the piss out of each other and shivered in the torrential rain until Mike had to go to work.

So, I handed my CV in at this place that was, quite frankly, a mess. It was either a new store or was an old one getting refurbished. There were manic Chinese girls running around putting clothes on hangers and jewellery on shelves and she offered me the chance for 3 hours training that afternoon that would then determine if I was cut out for the job. Now, I was soaked through from the rain and Dean was waiting for me outside so I said I'm come back today and left.

I'd like to take this moment to say that I think the job was doomed from the start.

DOOMAGE #1// Absolutely SHITE night's sleep which included a nightmare no less, of getting the wrong train to the same job 'training' day and ending up in America instead of bloody Manchester.

DOOMAGE #2// Failure to get up early enough for a shower so had to load my head up with the good ol' Batiste Dry Shampoo.

DOOMAGE #3// Turning up at 10am, the alloted time we agreed, to an empty store except for one Polish man who was working on the walls who said, QUOTE, "Manager in 30 minutes. No now, 30 minutes."


DOOMAGE #4// Not being able to understand a word of the manager's English even though, bless her soul, I knew she was really trying...

DOOMAGE #5// 3 hours 'training' ended up being 3 hours MANUAL LABOUR helping getting the store ready for opening in two days time... without getting paid!

DOOMAGE #6// Thus, after expressing my views on the subject that I don't work for free, on my way out of leaving the store after stuffing one fashion bag to fill it out, I knocked over a cup of coffee. I offered to clean it up but she was so angry with me that she was just like, "It's O.K. Just go! Just go!"


And regarding which way you look at it...


Having a ridiculous amount of Marylin Monroe moments walking around the City of the North in this skirt and those blustering winds.

What a day.