Friday, 24 December 2010

It's Christmas Eve...

I am a firm believer that Christmas Eve is better than Christmas Day. Without a shadow of a doubt. The annual trepedation and excitement that builds up on that night while you're sat on the sofa in a brand new and crisp pair of PJs, watching 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' or 'A Christmas Carol', is so much better than the anti-climactic day afterwards, where the excitement of gifts disappears after minutes and the most eagerly-awaited meal of the year proves to be just another Sunday Roast with additional pigs-in-blankets.

Now, this is the first year where I've been this much of a BAH HUMBUG. The weather's been shocking, which has led to stressing about whether or not I can get home after work from Manchester etc. etc. I haven't been able to get paid until the 21st December, hence, having to buy Christmas presents in the mad rushes of the Arndale centre in my precious half-an-hour breaks at work. And breaking my inner pact with myself to ensure that I was out and in my own flat by Christmas time is still tearing me apart.

It should be a joyous occasion, I know.

But I DESPISE Christmas family traditions!

Because I know for a fact, that my mother will be pissed by noon so all the other minutes spent in the day will be ruined. Since moving back to live with my parent's after university, I have regressed into a teenager and am going through the teenage rebellion stage six years too late. I want my hair cut again (mostly because I know that it annoys my mum), I want my tattoo and some more ear piercings and I've started pissing off to my bedroom for hours on end within the day.

This, however, I will not be able to do tomorrow because, let's face it, it's Christmas bloody day. I'm not getting any presents because I'm saving up for my flat/house in the New Year. And the dinner tomorrow is going to be an even bigger shambles than it was yesterday.

Chances of having an argument with my mum on Christmas day - 4/1

Chances of suffering from the flu - 8/2 FAVOURITE

Chances of sitting through the Queen's speech - 3/1 (regrettably)

And chances of Saturday 25th December 2010 being a generally all-round good day - 100/1

No one really gambles anyway.

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