Wednesday, 4 August 2010

That elusive first post...

So, the best three years of my life have been and gone in the blink of an eye. As I shed a tear thinking about some of the most memorable moments (and least, as alcohol-fuelled evenings resulted in photos such as this), all I can think of doing is beginning again, starting a new part of my life and trying to make something of myself.

What will be therapeutic for me and most likely sheer entertainment for you, I am going to attempt a strict portrayal of events from the beginning of this new life up until the moment in the not-too-distant future when I jet off with tiny footsteps Paris that will hopefully echo in some of the loveliest places in the world.

I aint no Bridget Jones, but be prepared for something similar. My current battle with losing weight, unemployment and incapability to sustain a relationship with a member of the opposite sex will most likely feature.

And if you're lucky, I may let you read some snippits of writing of mine.


In a bizzle!

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